Publish with Profit. Transform your Words into Wealth

Publish with Profit. Transform your Words into Wealth

Create a blog and newsletter to reach a global market and maximize your profits with ghost

Ghost added dark mode to the Casper theme in a recently updated version. Casper's dark mode is activated automatically based on the dark mode settings of the browser the user is using, instead of allowing the user to select this mode.

The provision of a dark mode toggle is a more convenient option for users. Users can optionally enable or disable dark mode in the website, giving them direct control over the appearance of the website better. This provides more convenience and flexibility for users.

This tutorial will help you add a dark mode toggle to your Casper theme simply without having to customize the theme.

Especially useful when you are using ghost (Pro) Starter service.
Sau khi thêm nút chuyển Dark Mode
After adding the Dark Mode switch

Step 1: Add CSS code to the site header

You copy the CSS code below into the site header /ghost/#/settings/code-injection

<style>.switch:hover{cursor:pointer}.switch{position:relative;display:inline-flex;}.switch input[type='checkbox']{opacity:0;width:0;height:0}.slider{position:relative;display:inline-block;width:60px;height:34px;background-color:#ccc;border-radius:34px;transition:.4s}.slider:before{position:absolute;content:'';height:26px;width:26px;left:4px;bottom:4px;background-color:#fff;transition:.4s;border-radius:50%}input[type='checkbox']:checked+.slider{background-color:#ccc}input[type='checkbox']:checked+.slider:before{transform:translateX(26px)}.moon-icon{position:absolute;top:50%;left:5px;transform:translate(0,-50%);color:#fff;font-size:16px;line-height:26px}</style>
Setting > Code injection > Site Header
Setting > Code injection > Site Header

The main color of the button will be based on the color of the ghost accent color.

Màu nút sẽ theo Accent Color
Màu nút sẽ theo Accent Color

You copy and paste the code below into the site footer /ghost/#/settings/code-injection

<script>const darkModeSwitch=document.createElement('label');darkModeSwitch.setAttribute('class','switch');darkModeSwitch.setAttribute('for','dark-mode-switch');const inputCheckbox=document.createElement('input');inputCheckbox.setAttribute('type','checkbox');inputCheckbox.setAttribute('id','dark-mode-switch');const slider=document.createElement('span');slider.setAttribute('class','slider');const moonIcon=document.createElement('span');moonIcon.setAttribute('class','moon-icon');moonIcon.textContent='🌙';slider.appendChild(moonIcon);darkModeSwitch.appendChild(inputCheckbox);darkModeSwitch.appendChild(slider);const targetElement=document.querySelector('.gh-head-members');targetElement.insertAdjacentElement('afterend',darkModeSwitch);document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded',function(){const htmlElement=document.querySelector('html');darkModeSwitch.addEventListener('change',function(){htmlElement.classList.toggle('dark-mode');if(inputCheckbox.checked){'none'}else{'inline'}})})</script>
Setting > Code injection > Site Footer
Setting > Code injection > Site Footer
Toggle on the Desktop
Toggle on the Desktop
Toggle on the Desktop
Toggle on the mobile

Final Thoughts...

Unfortunately, the button will not work to switch the theme to Light Mode if the user is using the default Dark Mode for the system.

Good luck!

Cuong's avatar

Tanaflows theme creator and founder at ghostFam, I am a solopreneur who is passionate about blogging and making money online through my writing career.