Your blog should have a comment system for these reasons
Do you appreciate the importance that the comments section brings to your blog? Should you turn off post comments?

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Many of you ask is it worth paying for a commenting system? Is it worth investing time in complex configuration settings for the seemingly simple comment section under each article?
There's no answer for you, as it depends on whether or not this comment section brings any "real" benefit to your blog.
Too many benefits? Ok, let's install it. No benefits? You can turn it off. The decision is yours.
Here are some "good" points that the comments section can help you with. Please refer to your decision!
1. Comments help build credibility for your blog
Nowadays as you can see, spam blogs have always existed and it is very normal for them to steal your content.
So what's the difference between your blog and blogs that steal or recraft your content?
The difference lies in the fact that you have the ability to answer every root of the problem with the comments section below each article.
Readers have now also become sophisticated, they can distinguish between original articles and duplicate articles by looking at the comments below.
The comment section is something that cannot be copied because it is always changing and has security features.
Comments help you prove this is your article, you understand it best. Not only will you keep your credibility, but you'll also increase it. Very beneficial!
Conversely, imagine, you don't have comments while the blog copying your content does. So what would it look like? They will "unknowingly" be more reputable than you.
2. Look for new post ideas
Idea squash has always been a problem for every blogger. It's not that they don't know anything to write more, it's that they don't know what readers need. No one wants to write things that your readers don't need.
The most effective way of all time is to give yourself a recommendation reader. Don't expect readers to email you, most won't. They may email appreciation or thanks for something via email, but suggestions usually don't.
The comments section is the most convenient place for any reader to quickly suggest their opinions, these suggestions will be your next new post.
Not to mention, sometimes discussions among readers also inspire your new ideas. Very effective!
After reading this article, remember to comment your wishes in the comments section below, I believe there will be a new article faster.
3. Increase your post's conversion rate
Once you see an article with a lot of positive comments, it means that in the future, it will have a much better conversion rate.
It has the same rule as the reviews and comments of products that sell well on the e-commerce platform.
So a post without a comment section will lower your conversion rate. Especially if you are doing affiliate marketing of a certain product.
As you know the rules when doing marketing, the playing field is not just you, the post with a high conversion rate will be the winner.
Comments contribute to your victory. There are comments, which means that someone has done it, the same experience as you,... Readers will take action now because they are convinced by you and other readers.
In addition, it creates a "social proof" crowd effect for better conversions. Social Proof is one of the most powerful factors that easily create super-fast conversions.
4. Better Article SEO
Google has always focused on quality content, and the comments section of the article will prove it.
The comment section is always loaded with the page, as you can see below this article, the comment section uses JavaScript to render HTML and is updated in real time.
Usually, posts with lively comments will have more chances of ranking higher than others.
It's true, Google has also repeatedly mentioned the SEO element of the comment section. It is one of the factors for the Google algorithm to rank your article. Why?
Comments help you increase your time on page to boost the ranking of posts with a lot of comments, or at least to give readers a reason to stay on your page longer for leaving comments at the end of the post. "Time On Page" is a strong ranking factor for an article.
More posts with such comments will again help you increase your "Time On Site" to further contribute to article promotion, if you have good internal site links.
5. Update or add to the main content
Some types of articles will need a slight updating of relevant or fringe information.
Imagine like a Facebook post, where do you update information constantly?
Did you edit the main content to update it?
What will the article page cache look like if you keep clearing the cache just to update?
What will you see them doing at Facebook?
They updated in the comments. They add in the comments section to sub-content that they fear dilutes the main content above.
Thanks to comments, you can add information that is separate or indirectly related to your main content. These comments are often "pinned" to the top for everyone to see.
6. Comments are highly entertaining for your mind
Honestly, any blog that doesn't have a comment I always felt it wasn't a blog. It's a news page or an announcement page or a more documentary page.
Your feelings, I think, will be the same as mine.
Commenting is the specialty of blogging.
Without comments, the blog feels like it's no longer a blog.
Regardless of whether the comments are positive or negative, it will bring you a high level of mental entertainment.
Do you always feel happy every time you make a new comment? Expect a comment?
Turning it off is sad. Right?
Final Thoughts...
Conversely, some of you choose to turn off the comment section or do not pay enough attention to the comment section for the following reasons:
- Takes up too much time for you to respond, distracting from publishing subsequent quality articles.
- The cost of integration is higher than the benefits that the comment section offers.
- Too many spammed links, security.
Personally, commenting is the best way to understand your readers, missing the comment section as if I am writing for myself to read rather than for you to read.
What about you? What do you think of the comments section? Leave your comments for discussion below!

Cuong is passionate about digital publishing, specializing in leveraging the power of platforms like Ghost and WordPress, while sharing effective practical SEO writing techniques based on these tools.